Automated High Speed Case Erector for Industries by Infinity Automated Solutions

Automated High Speed Case Erector for Industries by Infinity Automated Solutions

In today’s fast-paced industrial landscape, efficiency, and speed are crucial to maintaining a competitive edge. One essential piece of equipment that businesses rely on to streamline their packaging process is the case erector. At Infinity Automated Solutions, we understand the importance of integrating advanced technology to meet these demands, and our High Speed Case Erector is designed to do just that.

What is a Case Erector?

A case erector is a machine used in manufacturing and packaging lines to form, fold, and seal corrugated cardboard boxes automatically. This equipment is essential for businesses that require consistent and rapid packaging processes, ensuring that products are securely packed and ready for shipment in a timely manner.

Automatic Case Erectors and Sealers

Why Choose Infinity’s High Speed Case Erector?

  1. Unmatched Speed and Efficiency
    • High Throughput: Our case erector operates at impressive speeds, capable of erecting up to 30 cases per minute. This high throughput is ideal for industries with high-volume production needs, such as food and beverage, pharmaceuticals, and consumer goods.
    • Reduced Downtime: With advanced technology and robust construction, our machine minimizes downtime, ensuring your packaging line operates smoothly and efficiently.
  2. Precision and Reliability
    • Consistent Quality: The precision engineering of our case erector guarantees that each box is formed perfectly every time, reducing errors and ensuring a consistent product presentation.
    • Durable Construction: Built to withstand the rigors of continuous operation, our case erector features high-quality materials and components that ensure long-term reliability and performance.
  3. Ease of Integration and Use
    • User-Friendly Interface: Our intuitive control panel and easy-to-use interface make it simple for operators to set up and run the machine, reducing training time and increasing productivity.
    • Flexible Configurations: Designed to integrate seamlessly with existing packaging lines, our case erector can be customized to meet your specific requirements, ensuring a perfect fit within your production environment.
  4. Cost-Effective Solution
    • Reduced Labor Costs: By automating the box forming process, our high speed case erector significantly reduces the need for manual labor, leading to cost savings and improved efficiency.
    • Minimized Waste: Precision forming reduces material waste, ensuring that every box is used to its full potential and contributing to overall cost savings.

Applications and Industries

Infinity’s High Speed Case Erector is versatile and suitable for various industries, including:

  • Food and Beverage: Ideal for packaging everything from canned goods to bottled beverages, ensuring products are securely packed for transport.
  • Pharmaceuticals: Ensures that delicate medical products and pharmaceuticals are packaged with the utmost care and consistency.
  • Consumer Goods: Perfect for a wide range of consumer products, from electronics to household items, maintaining packaging integrity and appearance.

Commitment to Customer Support

At Infinity Automated Solutions, we are committed to providing not only top-of-the-line machinery but also unparalleled customer support. From installation and training to maintenance and troubleshooting, our team of experts is dedicated to ensuring that your high-speed case erector operates at peak performance.


Investing in Infinity Automated Solutions’ High Speed Case Erector is a strategic decision that can transform your packaging process. With its unmatched speed, reliability, and cost-effectiveness, it is the ideal solution for businesses looking to enhance their production efficiency and maintain a competitive edge in the market.

Discover how our innovative packaging solutions can meet your business needs by contacting Infinity Automated Solutions today. Let us help you take your packaging line to the next level with our state-of-the-art high speed case erector.

For more information about High Speed Case Erector, Contact us

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